Past Perfect!, Echoes of Early, New Faces - New Ideas and other related podcasts produced by CEU Medieval Radio.

CEU Medieval Podcast is a collection of past episodes of the radio's talk shows 'Past Perfect!', Echoes of Early, New Faces - New Ideas and recorded public lectures presented at Central European University's Medieval Studies Department. Music was removed from the podcast version of the shows due to copyright regulations.

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Past Perfect! with Verena Krebs


							 Past Perfect! with Verena Krebs
Chris speaks with Dr. Verena Krebs about topics ranging from cross-cultural exchange in the Middle Ages to the history and culture of Ethiopia. Dr. Krebs is a Junior Professor at Ruhr-University Bochum. She is currently developing a project entitled, "Der Schmuck der Welt. Elfenbein- und Goldhandelsnetzwerke zwischen dem Bild al-Sudan, Ostafrika und dem Mittelmeerraum, 1100-1500," which will focus on the gold and ivory trade between medieval Africa and Europe.

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Past Perfect! is CEU Medieval Radio’s show on medieval and early modern history and culture, where staff of CEU Medieval Radio casually discuss with guests various issues from the crusades to archeozoology to medieval urine sampling. The discussions are made with the aim to popularize medieval and early modern studies with the help of experts such as early musicians, historians, philologists, archeologists, etc.